Doctor Sensitivity & Workplace Civility Training

Promoting civility in the workplace is crucial, even for the most esteemed professionals like doctors.  Carol Flynn has delivered effective one-on-one sensitivity training for doctors, including surgeons, specialists, and healthcare administrators.  This training is designed for both human patient practices and veterinary medicine.

Implementing civility training for doctors ensures respectful and effective communication, fostering a positive work environment. This program prioritizes the practice of compassion and professionalism to enhance patient care and bolster team collaboration.

Team Leaders

Doctors are in a position of authority and need to be seen as team leaders.  Regardless of the reporting structure, a doctor is responsible for supervising and coordinating the care of their patients, which involves working closely with other healthcare professionals.

As a team leader, a doctor must be able to communicate effectively with other team members, delegate tasks appropriately, and provide guidance and support to ensure that all team members are working together effectively to provide the best possible care for their patients. Additionally, doctors must be able to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to develop treatment plans and make important decisions about patient care, which requires strong leadership skills.

One-hour Webinar Program Deliverables: 

  • One-hour (1) hour remote training webinar in the privacy of the office or home.
  • Guided presentation, video, and handouts.
  • Training tips for doctors to improve the dynamics between staff and doctors. 
  • Training tips on how to communicate more professionally and effectively with colleagues and staff and improve overall team dynamics.
  • Reduce legal liability by documenting sensitivity training and having doctors acknowledge their responsibility in the workplace.
  • Learn how to sensitively approach cultural, generational, sexual orientation, religious and other differences. 

One-on-one Doctor Coaching 

While doctors are highly skilled in their medical expertise, they can sometimes face challenges in navigating workplace dynamics and employee relations. One-on-one coaching can be beneficial for doctors in several ways:

  1. Improved Communication Skills: Doctors often interact with a diverse range of healthcare professionals, patients, and their families. One-on-one coaching can help doctors develop effective communication skills, enabling them to convey information clearly, listen empathetically, and resolve conflicts respectfully.
  2. Conflict Resolution: In high-pressure medical environments, conflicts may arise between doctors, colleagues, or staff members. Coaching sessions can equip doctors with conflict resolution strategies, such as active listening, negotiation techniques, and problem-solving skills. This enables them to address conflicts constructively and maintain positive working relationships.
  1. Emotional Intelligence: Doctors frequently face emotionally charged situations, such as breaking bad news or dealing with difficult patients. One-on-one coaching can help doctors develop emotional intelligence, enabling them to manage their own emotions and respond empathetically to patients and colleagues.
  2. Leadership Development: Many doctors hold leadership positions within healthcare organizations. Coaching can assist doctors in developing their leadership skills, such as effective delegation, decision-making, and building a collaborative team. This ensures a supportive work environment where everyone feels valued and motivated.
  3. Stress Management: The demanding nature of the medical profession can lead to burnout and stress. One-on-one coaching can provide doctors with strategies to manage stress effectively, maintain a work-life balance, and prioritize self-care. This, in turn, enhances their overall well-being and job satisfaction.

By offering one-on-one coaching, healthcare organizations acknowledge the unique challenges doctors face in the workplace and provide them with the necessary support to excel both professionally and personally. It ultimately benefits the doctors, their colleagues, and most importantly, the patients they serve.

Individual coaching over the course of one month. Multiple sessions to explore how tone and language can impact staff member’s responsiveness. Analysis of individual interactions. Perfect for organizations where specific challenges (including disruptive individuals) or workplace stress affecting individual performance have been identified.